User guide

Site Contents

This site contains the following items. The data is periodically updated based on the Foundation's research and new information.

1. Catalogue

Catalogue Raisonné

List of works by Yoshitomo Nara


List of public collections with works by Yoshitomo Nara


List of original products, exhibition merchandise, museum merchandise, and CDs, etc., for which artwork was contributed.

2. Exhibitions

List of exhibitions in which works by Yoshitomo Nara were shown (Coming Soon)

3. Biography

Yoshitomo Nara

Brief biography of Yoshitomo Nara


Chronological history of Yoshitomo Nara (Coming Soon)

4. Library


List and bibliography of publications with references to Yoshitomo Nara and his works (Coming Soon)

5. About

This Site

This site's intents and objectives

User Guide

How to use this website*Current Page


Frequently asked questions and inquiries. Contact forms for various inquiries


Introduction to the Yoshitomo Nara Foundation

How to Search the Catalogue

The Catalogue Raisonné can be searched by the functions below.

1. Search by Keyword

Keyword searches will search across all information associated with works such as title, artist, year, material, and technique. Separate words with spaces to conduct an AND search on multiple keywords.

2. Search by Year

  • Works can be searched by year of creation. Select dates in the From and To drop down menus.
  • To search within a single specific year, select the same year for both From and To.

3. Search by Type

Works can be searched by type, categorized by technique and base material combinations.
* For information on categories of types, refer to Definitions and Glossary – Types of Work.

4. Search by Period

Works can be searched by place and associated period of creation.
* For information on categories of periods, refer to Definitions and Glossary – Periods.

5. Search by Size

Works can be searched by height length (unit: centimeters).

6. Other Functions

  • Search results can be sorted by Chronological (New to Old), Chronological (Old to New), Alphabetical (A to Z), Alphabetical (Z to A), Type of Work, Size (Largest to Smallest), or Size (Smallest to Largest).
  • Artwork images can be displayed in list view or grid view.

Definitions and Glossary

This site uses the following definitions.

1. Definitions regarding the works of Yoshitomo Nara


Works presented at exhibitions or sold through galleries by Yoshitomo Nara. Signed paintings, drawings, sculptures, and edition artwork.


Products such as original goods, exhibition merchandise, and museum merchandise. Books, CDs, etc., for which images and/or writings were contributed.


Artwork comprised of multiple elements. All elements put together are considered a single piece of artwork.


A set with elements missing or apart for whatever reason. Also used to refer to a single component element of a set.

2. Type of work

Nara's works transcend and traverse across traditional categorizations of techniques and materials. This site respects Nara's stance on creating, and categorizes his works by "type," which are determined by the combination of classification (painting, drawing, billboard, print, photograph, sculpture, installation, or collaboration) and base material (canvas, paper, corrugated board, bronze, FRP, ceramic, wood, or other).


Works that use "color" as the primary expression of what still remains after a process of repeatedly delving into thoughts and memories, using not only canvas but diverse materials such as paper and corrugated board.


Works that use "lines" as the primary, direct expression of a moment's image or emotion.


Three-dimensional creations.

Installation Works

The exhibition space itself is artwork, created in order to show the various pieces in the ideal manner. The component pieces may be specifically for the installation, or previously created works that are brought together again.


Some works like early era etchings are etched and printed by the artist himself, while other works make full use of modern technologies such as photocopying.


Prior to any aspirations of becoming an artist, Nara began taking photographs in his teens, led by his sensibilities. Without any plans of exhibiting them, he captured overlooked landscapes and the value of life in his photographs, in order to chronicle these things in his heart. For Nara, this act continues to be a way to record and train his own sensibilities. In recent years, his photographic works are shown in full-fledged exhibitions.


A 35 mm slide show of multiple photographs.


Works created with other artists. For example, Nara and Hiroshi Sugito formed a creative unit called Chaguin. Nara uses the name Henri Chaguin and Sugito goes by Pierre Chaguin, and both artists work in different expression styles than when they are "Yoshitomo Nara" and "Hiroshi Sugito." As a side note, the name Chaguin is a portmanteau of two artists that they admire, Chagall and Gaugin.

3. Periods

Each time Nara changes his studio location, his style also undergoes a small transformation. This site categorizes his periods based on the locations of his base of operations.

Recent Days: Works created in the last two years

Today’s Activities: After 2021

The world changes after March 11.

Based in Nasu: 2005 – March 10, 2011

Days spent creating in his first studio in Nasu, a space made for himself

Based in Tokyo: August 2000 - 2005

Returning to Japan after 12 years in Germany, days spent creating in a rented studio in a Tokyo suburb

Based in Cologne: Jun 1, 1994 – Jul 2000

Based in Cologne, days when full-fledged work as an artist began

School Days in Düsseldorf: May 28, 1988 – 1994

Days spent absorbed in creating while studying art at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

School Days in Aichi: April 1, 1981 – May 27, 1988

Days spent studying the basics of art at the Aichi University of the Arts

4. Entries in the catalogue raisonné

Artwork detail view includes the following information:


Digital catalogue number starting with YNF, for pieces defined as Yoshitomo Nara artwork by this site


Original title. If the original title is not in English, a translation is also included.


Collaborative artist(s)


Year presented/year printed/year of signed B.A.T./year of mold creation/year of casting

Technique and material

Technique and base material


Inscribed text is presented as written, without translation


Height x width x depth/thickness dimensions in centimeters


Edition and edition number of works with multiples such as prints, photographs, and sculptures


Publishing company or person, for prints and photography


Printmaker, printing workshop, or photo printer


Most recent known location of work, primarily public collections. Where known, the edition numbers are listed after each collection name as (Ed. XX/ZZ).


Listed number in Yoshitomo Nara: The Complete Works (published 2011 by Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, abbreviated as BSS2011 on this site.)

Studio No.

Yoshitomo Nara Foundation control number

Photo credit


